News | Final content update for Marvel's Avengers released

Crystal Dynamics has released the latest content update for Marvel's Avengers.

The update makes “almost all” cosmetic items free. It involves outfits, emotes, takedowns, and name tags. All items unlocked through the campaign or purchased through the Cosmetic Vendor still need to be unlocked in the same way.

In addition, all premium currency of players is converted into in-game materials. All Hero’s Catalysts and Fragment Extractors have been removed. Instead, there is permanent 1.5x multiplayer on earned Fragments and XP.

Finally, those who unlock at least one Trophy of Achievement in-game before April 1 will receive a special Iron Man Variable Threat Response Battle Suit outfit. Most of the other changes revolve around bug fixes, according to the patch notes.

Earlier, the developer already announced that this latest update is due, because support for the game will officially end on September 30. After that, the game can still be played via single player and multiplayer, but problems that occur in the game may not be solved anymore.

News | Avengers Expansion Around Black Panther Coming August 17

Black Panther - War for Wakanda, the new expansion for Marvel's Avengers, will be available on August 17.

That was announced last night. The expansion has been planned for quite some time, but now the official release date has been announced.

War for Wakanda not only features the superhero Black Panther, but also the kingdom of Wakanda that players can travel to, including new missions. In this way the city, jungle and desert are explored. There are also two new villains in the game, as well as new enemies.

Those interested can watch a new War Table livestream on Crystal dynamic’s Twitch channel on Monday, August 16, where more information about the expansion will be provided. Also, from now through August 1, the game can be played for free on PlayStation consoles, PC, and Google Stadia. On Xbox, the free period will come at a later date. Progression made can be carried over to the paid version of the game.

News | Marvel's Avengers: War for Wakanda Concept Art Released

Crystal Dynamics has released concept art from Marvel's Avengers expansion War for Wakanda.

The concept art shows more of the new area where the DLC takes place. The expansion is logically situated in Wakanda and the concept art shows, among other things, a wooded area, the city, a temple and a waterfall.

War of Wakanda is set to appear in August for Marvel’s Avengers, but there is no exact release date yet. The DLC adds Black Panther as a playable character. He must defend Wakanda against Klaw.

News | Marvel's Avengers Black Panther Expansion Will Be Available For Free

The upcoming War for Wakanda expansion for Marvel's Avengers will be available for free to players of the game.

Square Enix announced that tonight. An extensive trailer was shown. The expansion will be released in August, an exact date is not yet known.

War for Wakanda is the new expansion for Marvel’s Avengers. The expansion not only includes the superhero Black Panther, but also the kingdom of Wakanda that players can travel to, including new missions. Thus, the city, jungle and desert can be explored.

News | Black Panther is coming to Marvel's Avengers this year

Superhero Black Panther will appear as a playable character in Marvel's Avengers later this year.

Square Enix has announced this. The company gave more clarity about what players can expect from the game released last year this year. Black Panther is part of an expansion pack that also includes Klaw, the Wakanda jungle, and several new enemies and missions. It is not known exactly when this expansion will appear.

Various other new expansions are also coming to the game, including Wasteland Patrol, Project Omega and Cosmic Cube. A summary of all upcoming content can be seen in the illustration below.

Operation: Hawkeye Future Imperfect was released for the game this week. This expansion makes Hawkeye playable and adds new narrative content to the game. It is now also possible to reset the Reassemble campaign, so that content can be run again. Finally, Marvel’s Avengers is now also available for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and S. People with the PS4 or Xbox One version can download a free update and take along their booked progression.

News | More than six million gamers played Marvel's Avengers beta

The beta of Marvel's Avengers has been played by more than six million people.

Square Enix announced this in a recent blog post. That resulted in more than 27 million hours spent on the game. The blog post also reports that developer Crystal Dynamics is making adjustments before the upcoming release. For example, matchmaking must be improved and the PC version needs a lag fix.

Marvel’s Avengers will be released this Friday for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. A free update to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X version will also be available.

News | Avengers game gets prequel in the form of a book

The upcoming Square Enix game Marvel's Avengers gets a book prequel.

The book’s called Marvel’s Avengers: The Extinction Key. Titan Books releases the book in collaboration with Marvel Entertainment, Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal.

The book is written by Greg Keyes. He will further develop the world for A-Day. A-Day is a catastrophic event that starts the game. The Avengers also fight in the book against an age-old organization called Zodiac. By the way, Keyes will write more books based on the game.

The next book to be released is called Marvel’s Avengers: The Art of the Game, which will be released on September 1. That is a book full of art from the game.

Marvel’s Avengers: The Extinction Key should be released on March 31, 2020. The game itself will be released on May 19 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.