News | Bioware reveals cinematic of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Bioware released a cinematic of the upcoming Dragon Age: Dreadwolf yesterday.

This is due to the fact that yesterday was Dragon Age Day. The cinematic comes from the game, but has a drawn style that can best be compared to artwork so in-game graphics cannot be seen.

In the video, the dwarf Varric Tethras is speaking. He tells of Solar, the Dread Wolf,  according to some an ancient elven god, according to others a traitor to his kind.

It has been known for several years that Bioware is working on a new Dragon Age game, but earlier this year it was revealed that the game will be called Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Solas, the Dread Wolf, has an important role in the game. He also appeared in Inquisition.

The game will be released on PC, Xbox Series X and S, and PlayStation 5 at an unknown date.