News | The Wolf Among Us 2 Delayed, Won't Release In 2023

Telltale Games has delayed The Wolf Among Us 2;. The game will no longer be released in 2023.

The developer announced this yesterday. Telltale CEO Jamie Ottilie gave more context to IGN. For example, during the development of Unreal Engine 4, a switch was made to Unreal Engine 5, which “produced quite a bit of work”.

Ottilie reports that they should have worked too hard to release the game in 2023, or that the development could not have been completed properly as a result. “If we released this game before it was ready, we would be destroyed. Expectations are high and we want to live up to them. We want to be proud of it and deliver the best game possible.”

The Wolf Among Us is based on the acclaimed Fables comics, where characters from fairy tales live alongside humans in the real world. The first season, which appeared in 2013 and 2014, was appreciated by many players. The Wolf Among Us 2 is due out on Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and S, and Xbox One.

News | The Wolf Among Us 2 livestream will air tomorrow

A livestream will be broadcast tomorrow, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the development of Telltale Games' The Wolf Among Us 2.

The livestream will be broadcast tomorrow at 19:00 Dutch time via YouTube and Twitch. The stream – which can also be seen below – should last approximately thirty minutes and will also include an official trailer and in-game footage. Geoff Keighley – the organizer and host of The Game Awards – presents the stream.

The Wolf Among Us is based on the acclaimed Fables comics, in which characters from fairy tales live side by side with people in the real world. The first season was liked by many players. The sequel takes place about six months after the first game and has been in production since late 2019. Telltale now uses the Unreal Engine to develop games.

News | The Wolf Among Us 2 revealed, again

The Wolf Among Us 2 was again unveiled during The Game Awards.

The second series of episodes of The Wolf Among Us was already announced a few years ago, but then developer Telltale closed its doors in 2018. LCG Entertainment purchased most assets and also took over the Telltale name. The Wolf Among Us 2: A Telltale Series is now in development again. The development is done by AdHoc Studio, where various former Telltale employees work.

The Wolf Among Us is based on the acclaimed Fables comics, in which characters from fairy tales have to live next to people in the real world. Many players liked the first season.

It is not yet known when the game will be released and on which platforms it will appear.