News | First Lies of P expansion artwork shown

Neowiz and Round8 Studio have released the first artwork of upcoming downloadable content for Lies of P.

There is no more information about the DLC – yet – only that it should be released sometime soon. In any case, the artwork shows a ship colliding with another ship, and some kind of machine in an industrial environment.

The publisher and developer also released a new video hosted by director Jiwon Choi. In it he reports that a new patch for the soulslike should be released during the course of this month. This means that all kinds of changes have to be made to weapons and the balance of characters. To show gratitude, players will also receive a new outfit, as well as the option to wear hats and glasses separately. More information about the DLC and patch should be available soon.

The game is based on the classic Italian story Pinocchio, now best known from the Disney film Pinocchio. Players control Pinocchio, who goes to Mr. Geppetto is looking for the only person who can save the crumbling city of Krat. P has a mechanical arm that can serve as a tool or weapon. He can pull enemies towards him with it, or mount a flamethrower on it.

Lies of P was released on September 19 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One and PC. The game is also on Game Pass.