News | Horror game Do Not Open is out now on PlayStation 5

The first-person horror game Do Not Open is now available on PlayStation 5. The game will also be released on Steam next Wednesday. 

The game revolves around Michael J. Goreng, a zoologist trapped in a twisted version of his home where his wife and daughter are missing. He has to solve all kinds of escape room-like puzzles while being plagued by paranormal forces.

According to the makers, the game runs in 4K and 60 frames per second on PlayStation 5. A version for PlayStation 4 and a VR version of the game should also be released in 2023.

News | First-person survival game Among the Trolls coming this year on Steam

The first-person survival-adventure game Among the Trolls will be released sometime this year.

Publisher 505 Games and developer Forbidden Studios revealed this during a special Spring Showcase of the former company.

In the game, players control Alex or Anna, who travel from the United States to Finland to visit their grandparents who live in a cabin in a forest far away from civilization. However, the hut appears to be deserted.

Players will investigate what happened while learning about Finnish mythologies. Meanwhile, players must survive and set up their own camp. Magic can also be used.

The game is set to be released via Steam Early Access sometime this year, there is no exact release date yet.