A new update has been released for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, adding New Game Plus, among other things.

New Game Plus means that players can play through the game again after completing it, but with even higher levels, new styles for the Symbiote suit and new upgrades for gadgets. There’s even a new Trophy for people who complete New Game Plus mode.

The update also gives players the ability to change the time of the in-game day at any time. Missions can also be replayed and there are new packages for the main characters. Insomniac warns that the update consists of two patches.

However, the release of the update did not go entirely according to plan. The update allowed players to use a button combination to open the game’s debug menu, which is actually only intended for the developers. Parts of the game can be skipped via the menu and various modifications can be turned on and off. In addition, the menu showed missions that are not in the game and may indicate DLC, such as the mention of the character Beetle, who is not in the main game.