Patch 1.2 voor Cyberpunk 2077 is uitgesteld naar de tweede helft van maart.
The patch should have been released soon, but CD Projekt Red has announced via Twitter that it needs a little more time for the patch. The developer dedicates that to the recent hack on the studio.
“We were keen to release patch 1.2 in the timeframe we indicated first, but the recent cyberattack on the studio’s IT infrastructure and the massive scale of the update means this isn’t going to happen – we need a little more time.”
Bloomberg sheds more light on the postponement. According to a report from the website, several CD Projekt Red employees have been unable to access their workstation for two weeks because of the hack.
While we dearly wanted to deliver Patch 1.2 for Cyberpunk 2077 in the timespan we detailed previously, the recent cyber attack on the studio’s IT infrastructure and extensive scope of the update mean this unfortunately will not happen — we’ll need some additional time. 1/3
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) February 24, 2021
Patch 1.2 moet groter worden dan de in januari uitgebrachte patch 1.1. Het is nog niet bekend wat er precies wordt veranderd met de patch, maar hoogstwaarschijnlijk moeten er diverse bugs mee opgelost worden. Patch 1.1 deed dat ook al, maar voegde per ongeluk ook een nieuwe bug toe.