Kate Bishop will come to Marvel's Avengers sometime after launch. This was announced during a stream about the game, the so-called War Table.
During the livestream, new content was revealed for the game, which will be available starting this Friday. Kate Bishop is part of the game’s first ‘Operation’ mission, which introduces new parts of the story.
Kate Bishop is known in the comics as the woman who takes over the role of Hawkeye after Clint Barton and Wyatt McDonald. Interestingly, Hawkeye himself was previously announced as one of the characters to be added to the game later.
In addition, more information was shared about various multiplayer modes in Avengers Initiative, including the new Shield Substation Zero location. Images of Mega Hive missions were also shown.
Marvel’s Avengers will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia this Friday. Later the game will also come to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.