The servers of party game Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout have succumbed to the attention a number of times. The game launched yesterday and is free for PlayStation Plus members.

The game is sort of a battle royale version of a game show like Takeshi’s Castle of Wipeout. Players have to survive all kinds of bizarre obstacles and win strange games in different rounds. In the end, one winner remains.

Fall Guys was already extremely popular on Twitch during the beta and now also appears to appeal to many players after release. The developer indicates on Twitter that the number of players is far above the most positively estimated number.

The matchmaking was therefore disabled several times yesterday while the servers were strengthened. The Twitter account reports that the biggest problems have now been resolved. However, for some players, the improvements did not come fast enough. The developer reports that the game has fallen victim to review bombing on Steam, with many players quickly leaving a negative review while the servers were down.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is now available on PC and PlayStation 4.