Achievement / Trophy guide

– Estimated achievement difficulty:  2/10
– Offline Trophies: 26 (1trophy, 7trophy, 8trophy, 10trophy)
– Online: 0
– Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 25-30 Hours
– Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
– Missable achievements : No
– Does difficulty affect achievements: No 
– Unobtainable/glitched achievements : Yes 1 – Sightseer
– Extra equipment needed: No

Collectible Acheivement/Trophy

Missable Achievement/Trophy

Story related Achievement/Trophy

Glitched Achievement/Trophy

Every Last One of Them

Collect all trophies

What I Had to do

Complete the story

Simply finish the story on any difficulty. You are allowed to play on “Very Light” which is the lowest difficulty available. You can also make full use of the accessibility options, such as invisibility while prone and auto-aim. The accessibility options do not void any trophy.

Survival Expert

Learn all player upgrades

To unlock new Skill Trees you must find Training Manuals. To unlock Skills you must spend “Supplements” (Skill Points) on them. Both the Training Manuals and Supplements are collectable items throughout the game. The Supplements are just about everywhere, similar to the “Parts” you can find for Weapon Upgrades.

Arms Master

Fully upgrade all weapons

Weapons can be upgraded at Workbenches using “Parts” (collectable items you find everywhere, similar to “Supplements” for Player Upgrades). There are 12 Weapons in total.

In total you need 1920 Parts to fully upgrade all your Weapons. This is not obtainable in one single playthrough because there aren’t enough Parts. You can only finish around 80% of upgrades in a single playthrough. To fully upgrade all weapons you have to do at least half a playthrough in New Game+.


Find all artifacts and journal entries

Master Set

Find all trading cards


Find all coins

Prepared For the Worst

Find all workbenches


Fully upgrade a weapon

See trophy “Arms Master”.


Trophy text

See trophy “Survival Expert”.


Unlock every safe


Visit every location in downtown Seattle

Before starting, you must get the Artifact Collectible “Map of Seattle”. The first opportunity to find it is in Chapter 8: The Gate. When you reach the overgrown highway at the start of Chapter 8, there’s a construction trailer on the left side. It has the map in a drawer. Now advance to Chapter 9: Downtown where this trophy actually takes place.

Chapter 9: Downtown (Seattle Day 1) is the largest open world chapter in the game. In this chapter you will have a map that you can open at any time with the Touchpad. Whenever you enter an explorable location, Ellie will circle it on the map with a blue Question Mark “?”. There are 10 locations in total, you need to visit all of them for the trophy.

Also, for the Courthouse to count you have to enter it through the window, just marking it on the map won’t count. For any of the other locations going near them and having them circled on the map is enough, no need to explore them.


Find all training manuals

Survival Training

Learn 25 player upgrades

See trophy “Survival Expert”.

High Caliber

Find all weapons

In the Field

Find 12 workbenches

Tools of the Trade

Craft every item

There are 12 items in total that you must craft at least once for this trophy. Crafting materials are scattered everywhere, but they are more plentiful on the lowest difficulty. The list below shows all craftable items, the required materials, and how to unlock the crafting recipe. Most of them are unlocked automatically from the story or by buying a Player Upgrade. A few are unlocked by finding certain weapons.

  1. Health Kit (Alcohol + Rag) = Automatically given to you during Chapter 4: Patrol, cannot be missed.
  2. Molotov (Alcohol + Rag) = Automatically given to you during Chapter 4: Patrol, cannot be missed.
  3. Stun Bomb / turns into Smoke Bomb when upgraded (Canister + Explosive) = Found in Chapter 9: Downtown, inside Barkos Pet Store (3rd Block from the left between Marion ST & Madison ST). You get the key to enter this shop from the bathroom in Ruston Coffee Shop (northernmost building). If you missed this, it respawns in front of the Serevena hotel later in Chapter 9.
  4. Trap Mine (Canister + Explosive) = Found in Chapter 11: Capitol Hill. In the starting area of the chapter there’s a Motel. To the right of the Motel is a green dumpster. Push it under the white balcony, climb up to find the Trap Mine in the bedroom.
  5. Silencer (Rag + Canister) = In “Stealth” Skill Tree buy the 1st Skill “Craft Silencers”. Alternatively, it’s automatically unlocked in Chapter: 24 The Stadium
  6. Melee Upgrade (Binding + Blade + Melee) = In “Crafting” Skill Tree buy the 1st Skill “Craft Melee Upgrades”. Alternatively, it’s automatically unlocked in Chapter 24: The Stadium.
  7. Arrows (Binding + Blade) = Find the Bow Weapon in Chapter 16: Hillcrest. You automatically get attacked by an Infected when you enter a garage, it has the Bow on its back. Would be hard to miss this as there’s a Bow Shooting Exercise right after exiting this garage.
  8. Explosive Arrows (Explosive + Binding) = In “Explosives” Skill Tree buy the 1st Skill “Craft Explosive Arrows”.
  9. Pipe Bombs (Alcohol + Canister + Explosive) = Automatically unlocked after reaching Chapter 25: On Foot, when you have collected the necessary crafting materials (1 Alcohol, 1 Canister, 1 Explosive).
  10. Incendiary Shells (Alcohol + Explosive) = In “Firearms” Skill Tree buy the 1st Skill “Craft Incendiary Shells”.
  11. Hunting Pistol Ammo (Explosive + Blade) = In “Firearms” Skill Tree buy the 2nd Skill “Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo”.
  12. Shivs (Binding + Blade) = In “Covert Ops” Skill Tree get the 1st Skill “Craft Shivs”.


Upgrade a weapon

See trophy “Arms Master”.


Learn a player upgrade

See trophy “Survival Expert”.

Starter Set

Find 5 trading cards

Mint Condition

Find 5 coins

So Great and Small

Find the Engraved Ring

It’s found in Chapter 9: Downtown. After reaching the open world section, enter the first ruins on the left. When you look at the Downtown Map it’s the third block from the left in the bottom row. It’s the bank building. Clear out the enemies inside, then open the Bank Vault with code 60-23-06. Inside the Vault check the safe deposit box in the far right corner in the back of the room. It contains a ring. The ring says “Sic Parvis Magna” (Greatness from Small Beginnings) which is a reference to Sir Francis Drake and the Uncharted games by the same development team.

Relic of the Sages

Find the Strange Artifact

It is found in Chapter 28: Hostile Territory. A few minutes into this Chapter you’ll come to a Chinatown district with shops on the left and right. Enter the last shop on the left and head upstairs. There you will encounter 2 Clickers, kill them. Then jump to the balcony across the street. Take a left turn and you come to a room with a hole in the floor. To the right side of the hole is this Artifact, before dropping down into the hole. The Strange Relic is a reference to the Precursor Orb from the Jak and Daxter games which Naughty Dog worked on.

Secret Trophies / Achievements

Keep in mind that these may contain spoilers of the games’ story.

Looks Good On You

Put a hat on your companion

When Ellie and Joel enter the Wyoming Museum in Chapter 15: The Birthday Gift, immediately turn to the right to find a hat hanging in the gift shop area. Grab the hat and proceed to the next exhibition hall where all the dinosaur skeletons are. Put the hat on the first dinosaur skeletons on the left and right. After putting the head on both these skeletons, you can put it on Joel to unlock this trophy. If you miss it you can redo it via Chapter Select.


Win the marksmanship competition

In Chapter 24: The Stadium, after you get your Semi-Auto Rifle from the armory, you can enter a shooting range on the right side,before hopping into the truck that ends the chapter. You need to get a highscore by hitting the red markers which are the body and the head as often as possible. If you have trouble with this, turn on Auto-Aim (Options > Controls > Assistance > Lock-On Aim = ON / Lock-On Strength = 10). Getting over 85 points should suffice. If you missed this opportunity you can replay it via Chapter Select.

Put My Name Up

Earn the high score in the archery game

At the start of Chapter 29: Winter Visit, in the first room of the Aquarium, you can find a purple bow on the left side with a scoreboard above it. Interact with the bow to start this minigame. The highscore is 10 targets. You need to hit more than 10 before time runs out. You are allowed to move around the area freely and shoot the targets from close range. No need to do any long-shots. If you have trouble with this, turn on Auto-Aim (Options > Controls > Assistance > Lock-On Aim = ON / Lock-On Strength = 10). If you missed this you can replay it via Chapter Select.

Achievement/Trophy Title

Trophy text

Explanatory text.

