The good sales figures of Pokémon Sword and Shield have led to the highest shares of Nintendo since May 2018.
The share price of Nintendo is currently at 44.69 euros, the highest point since May 2018. The reason for this new high has to do with the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield. These games are sold extremely well and are the fastest selling games for the Switch so far. Shortly after the Nintendo high point in May 2018, the price fell sharply and ended up at 28.79 euros.
Not only the sale of the latest Pokémon games has paid off. There are more factors that must be taken into account when increasing the share price of Nintendo. The E3 presentation and the sale and announcements of hardware have proven to be important in the past.
The share of Nintendo still has momentum, which means that the chance of an even higher share price is present. Perhaps the high of May 2018 will soon be exceeded.